For FREE is a Fabry organ available in Antioch, IL. Taker must remove complete instrument. Can be removed after 9/18/2022. 2 manual, 4 ranks. Principal, Harmonic Flute, Unit Flute, Dulciana. No expression, no crescendo. Nice sound for a small organ. Strong and pretty looking stopped unit. Older Peterson combination action. All first floor access, no stairs. Church is closing. Please contact me if interested.
Total area occupied by organ: 132x235x37x~156 (all inches). It’s at an odd angle in a corner.
The main chest is 53.5×112.5 with a 130″ max height
The bourdon max height is 123″. (two offset chests)
The tallest of the dulciana is also offset, but I didn’t take measurements. It’s shorter than the main chest.
The console is 73×57, 59 height
The nazard is from the stopped diapason
The larigot is from the dulciana
The principal chorus is a unit 8-2 (pretty sure I remember this correctly)
The bourdon is strong in the room, as is the diapason. But the rest of it is tame. The dulciana especially.
I don’t know what the mixture is composed of, I didn’t take time to figure it out.
The wiring is not color coded. I don’t think I can get the relay quick connects through the conduit, so some rewiring will have to take place. The wiring is not direct to chest, it does end up on spreaders so rewiring the umbilical wouldn’t be an arduous task, but still a consideration.
There are a few notes not working. I think it may mostly have to do with it sitting for over a year. Some keys were sticky. Probably same thing.
32 levels of memory in the console. No crescendo! It’s an older Peterson system.
Stoptabs and pistons:
16′ Bourdon
8′ Principal
8′ Stopped Diapason
4′ Harmonic Flute
2 blanks
Gt Pd 8
Sw Pd 8
8′ Stopped Diapason
8′ Dulciana
4′ Harmonic Flute
2′ Octave
1′ 1/3 Larigot
2 blanks
8′ Principal
8′ Stopped Diapason
4′ Octave
2′ 2/3 Nazard
2′ Harmonic Flute
III Mixture
Sw Gt 8
Sw Pd
Sw 1-5
Sw Gt
Gt Pd
Gt 1-5
Gen Cancel
Generals in Ped 1-5 (I think)
Ped 1-5
Gt Pd
Sw Pd
Sw Gt