Fries Keyboard Works, L.L.C. is a fully insured and registered Limited Liability Corporation in Illinois.

I founded Fries Keyboard Works, L.L.C. in 2019, after deciding it was time to take my hobbies and side profession more seriously, and combine it all under one “brand name”. Fries Keyboard Works, L.L.C. incorporates work done on pianos and organs (all have keyboards), the music lessons taught on piano, as well as computer repair (computers use keyboards, don’t they?).

It may seem like an odd combination, but these are three major things that I’ve liked to do in my life: playing music, teaching, and fixing! In the past, as some of you may know, photography was part of my bag of tricks as well. There are just not enough hours in the day, and I have largely given up that hobby except for personal use.

I’ve always wanted to start my own business, I just never knew what it would look like. I hope I can be of service to you!

I am currently an Associate Member of the Piano Technician’s Guild (PTG), and I have worked for a local pipe organ manufacturer.

You can learn more about me and my other work on my personal website (also a work in progress):

Thank you!

Alex Fries
Fries Keyboard Works, LLC